Today is election day in Canada. A few days ago I was explaining about voting and elections during our Baha'i class, and that inspired 14 year old Silvie to write the following comic about when Gabby and Bea go back in time to influence the outcome of a recent election that took place south of the border. The kids these days are heavily influenced by the view of recent history expounded in An Inconvenient Truth, which their teachers show to them often. Although I have no problem with that, it would be good if there were access to a variety of historical viewpoints beyond Al Gore's sour grapes. Anyway, here is the story, called:
Gabby and Bea and the Time Machine

Note the fox Bea, crazy like a fox, is purring, pretending to be a cat, which makes her even more cute...

Even the cars would have solar panels. Oh, what a better world it would be with so little intervention. If only ...
Hey, Silvie! You can sure express your ideas well. Great art! Keep it up! ;o)
I enjoyed the cartoon about going back in time to change the election. The best part was the super modern car available to everyone instead of gas-guzzling old clunkers.
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