Thursday, March 12, 2009

Theory on Socrates

Silvie wrote several months ago the following screed in order to annoy her father, who may have made light of one of her heroes. Who is your hero? she asked. Socrates, of course, and Adolph Nobody, I replied. Here is the result.

 My Theory on "Sock-rates"

Socrates' name is too long and needs to be shortened to "Sock." Sock is no longer a hero because his evil sidekick Stinky took over his job. These days people hate philosophy, and they want heroes who are female, or black, or both. Today, Sock rates poorly on the cool scale. And he was probably poor too.

My Theory on Adolph Nobody 

The word Adolph sounds like Adam and Rudolph combined. If Adoph is a Nobody then why listen to his book, unless it has a lot of action and more major characters. Now you know how it feels to have (your name here) insulted. 

Silvie Taylor

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