Friday, June 25, 2010

lbc IV

Show and Tell Documentaries

By John Taylor; 2010 June 25, Rahmat 01, 167 BE

Every dollar that we spend on a video game, Hollywood movie or cable television broadcast is money that could support cultural activity on the missing levels of governance, the family and neighbourhood. Even larger levels of government, town, city, county and regional governments, are starved for funds and left in obscurity, far from the limelight. Casting a vote in a municipal election, for most citizens is a joke, since candidates are all but unknown to them.

The LBC reverses the flow of money, attention and talent now bled away from the local level by Hollywood and large media conglamerates (nor should we forget that these voracious centers also bleed away from the global level as well, diminishing our identity as world citizens). Even more important, from a political point of view, the LBC is designed to turn passive consumers of pre-digested information into active producers and entrepreneurs in the knowledge industry.

As such, this local broadcaster is every bit as important a part of the infrastructure of the local fact as roads, sewers, electric wires and telephone and broadband cables. It cuts across all media, radio, television, the internet, covering live events, theatrical presentations and even spontaneous productions and demonstrations in local parks and open spaces. Everything it does is designed to turn a cultural desert into a rainforest by enabling full, participatory democracy.

The LBC's charter demands that it feature, dramatize and publicize the experience of local people. One way the LBC does this is through documentary television and film making. Here are some ideas about how the LBC might do this.

The technology of hillside structures is such that it is already easy, even automatic, to electronically document one's own investigations. As we have seen, the individual's tool for investigation is the drawing board, which is not only a smart white board for doodling and connecting to the Internet, but it also records its use for later assessment and summary by the user.

A weekly LBC "show and tell" television program features an individual going over the record of his or her investigations, showing not only what was discovered but how it was done and offering hints and advice that the user wants to share with younger investigators. Another, similar program features how local institutions used the consultorium, their equivalent of the individual's drawing board. A name for these programs, produced continually in every locality, might be "Back to the Drawing Board," and "Consultorium Consult." The best of this material, as always with LBC affiliates, is rebroadcast and given wider exposure by LBC's responsible for the region, nation, continent and world.

As well, another genre of reality shows may develop that is designed to publicize gains and losses in the consensus of general opinion. These will be under the aegis of an entirely new profession known as the dialectician. Whereas other knowledge workers deal with information and knowledge, the dialectician is concerned with the gleanings of all that: wisdom. Next time we will discuss this wisdom worker in more detail.


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