Tuesday, March 15, 2016

G's Hairstyling and More

G's Hairstyling and More 

Article for the Dunnville Free Press
March 15, 2016 

G's Hairstyling has only been around a year and a half, but their relaxed "coffee's always on" approach fills the place most of the time, making it seem more like a family meeting place, a country store, or, dare I say it? Timmy's. How did they pull that off? Through word of mouth, Facebook and by advertising in the paper you are holding in your hand, the Dunnville Free Press. As a result, a surprising number of the clientèle of this Cayuga enterprise hail from Dunnville. The proprietors are a wife and husband team, Glenda and Kevin Grayling. Glenda's skills as a hairdresser, along with Barb, Donna, Sarah and co-op student Mellory, account for most of the popularity of G's Hairstyling. All have trained and qualified with Matrix (L'Oreal). However, Kevin, who has long experience in retail, can take credit for the surprisingly broad selection of jewellery and hairstyling products on display. These include high end hand creams, micro encapsulated shampoo, a full line of Hemps, KenraJoyco and Oil Wonders products, and sterling silver jewellery. For many product lines they are the biggest retailer in the area, and by buying "lot ends" and in volume, some prices are as low as half of what is available elsewhere.  

Evening appointments are available, and manicure and pedicure appointments are available on Saturdays. 
Photo No. 1, 

Here is the article as it will be published in the Dunnville Free Press.


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