Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Shrewd Tank Commander

"A shrewd man sees trouble coming and lies low,
The simple walk into it and pay the penalty."
(Proverbs 27:12)

We continue going through the Book of Proverbs in our nightly Baha'i class. The wisdom applies often in unexpected ways. For example, when we read this proverb it hit me that that was exactly the strategy I had adopted successfully today when I was playing a game of tank commander on the game of "WII Play" on the kids' Nintendo WII game console. I had found that if I blundered into the fray some enemy tank would always come up behind me and blow my tank away, especially once you get to the higher levels. Like a simpleton, I did just what it says, I walked into it and paid the penalty. No matter what I did I could not get past a certain level in these tank duels, except by pure luck. So today I came up with the strategy of sitting back, playing with extreme caution, with my tank sitting in safety and whenever possible firing my shells around a corner -- shells bounce once on most surfaces in this game. Once I have a killing zone set up, preferably in two directions, I can just lie low and let the enemy tanks come at me. No matter how formidably advanced their tanks become, this gets them every time -- at least on the levels I have attained so far.

This is not what I normally write about but I am in the process of transferring my work from my daughter's laptop to a new bottom of the line Acer I just picked up at Best Buy. Our two older computers were down and it was cheaper to just buy a cheap new one -- the cheapest in the store, but still more powerful than our fastest -- than to take them to the shop or try to repair the older ones myself. I feel guilty about being so lazy and unhandy, but that is the way it is now.



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