Friday, May 08, 2009

Lamp Lighting Tips

Advice on Shining Your Lamp

In our daily Baha'i class we have been going through back issues of Brilliant Star Magazine and yesterday I stumbled over an article that so impressed me I include it here. How often we miss out on the basics, even down to elementary grooming.

There are basics to both physical and spiritual living, and often we leave them aside and assume that everybody knows them (obligatory prayers are an example). I remember my sister attended a class by an elementary school teacher in a one room schoolhouse who was famous in all of Carluke for teaching basic grooming, things that I missed out on, I am afraid. This author, Victoria Leith, seems to be a Baha'i version of my sister's teacher.

Anyway, the article combines advice for spiritual and physical health for kids that apply to adults too, so I include the whole text. As often happens when I read something basic, I learned something. I had never thought of a smoothie as a staple food, but I guess it can be, especially for busy veggies like me and my daughter Silvie.

At the end of the article there is an "about the author" section written in such small print that I had to have Silvie read it to me. It has some dead links, so I have updated it as follows:

Victoria Leith is the author of "I'll have fruit and grains, Please!," ( -- now out of stock) editor of a free online magazine on healthy living at; and a teacher of African Body Percussion. A blog entry about her is at: and her blog is:

Here is the source of the quote by the Master that starts this article off. It is the conclusion of one of the last talks the Master gave in America, His last in the Kinney home. It reminds me of a sticker I picked up at the National Convention in Toronto just after I declared in 1973. It declared: "Be Happy! Be a Baha'i!" An auspicious beginning for my new life.

"In brief, let each one of you be as a lamp shining forth with the light of the virtues of the world of humanity. Be trustworthy, sincere, affectionate and replete with chastity. Be illumined, be spiritual, be divine, be glorious, be quickened of God, be a Bahá'í." (Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 452)

Here is a saying I just stumbled across that backs up the theme of the article:

"Mental health depends upon gastric health. Every ailment stems from improper aliment."
(Frederick Kaufman, "Love Yourself Thin", Harper's Magazine, January 2000)

In the same way, spiritual and physical health staples are dependent upon one another, and that intimacy is expressed in certain eastern languages which, instead of asking how are you? say, "Have you had rice today?" Maybe someday Baha'is will say "have you praised God today?" or "are you quickened of God?" instead of how are you? when they meet.

Anyway, without further ado, here is the article:

Let Your Light Shine

By Victoria Leith

(Brilliant Star Magazine, November/December 2005, p. 4)

"Let each one of YOU be as a lamp Shining forth with the light of the virtues of the world of humanity." —`Abdul-Baha

Imagine for a moment that you are a lamp. You can be any shape, size, or color. Picture yourself shining your light on all your friends and family. Now imagine that your light bulb is covered with spots of dust and dirt. What happens to your light?

That's right! If a light bulb is covered in grime, then it can no longer shine! And the same goes for you as a member of the human race. If you're not shining with health, it will be harder for you to be a truly happy and creative being.

On a physical level, you may agree that it's very easy to eat lots of chocolates and sweets, drink sugary fizzy drinks, and not do enough exercise. But too much sugar in your bloodstream can lead you to feeling very energetic ... then very tired and irritable! Sugar and lack of exercise can also lead to obesity. If you eat lots of unhealthy foods, don't do any exercise, and watch a lot of TV instead, then you're not able to shine as brightly. It's like covering your beautiful lamp with dust, instead of keeping it clean and glowing.

Feed Your Soul

It's not only your physical health you need to consider, but your spiritual health, too! Would you go to school without eating breakfast? Probably not, because you would feel really hungry by mid-morning. Do you take the time to feed your spiritual self, too? Praying and reading the Words of God can feed your soul. Prayer can help you feel protected and assisted by God. You also nourish your spirit when you're patient, kind, and loving to friends, family, and the people you see every day.

Steps to Shine

You can be a shining lamp with great health. How many of these tips do you follow? If you stick with them for life, you can serve yourself and others with so much brightness that people will look to you as an example.

1. When you wake up, feed your body and your soul! Say a prayer and read from the Baha'i writings or other sacred texts. Then eat some fresh fruit. Ask your parents to help you make a breakfast smoothie with fruits, soy milk, and ice all mixed up nicely in a blender. Delicious!

2. If you eat snacks at school, take some dried fruits, like raisins or apricots ... YUM! Drink lots of water through the day. Don't wait until you feel thirsty. And eat lunch slowly—eating too fast can make you feel horrible!

3. Try to do some fun exercise every single day. You can run, walk, swim, play soccer, dance, or make up your own games. Invite your friends to join you.

4. Try to see sugary foods like candy and cookies as a once-in-a-while treat, rather than having them every day. You can replace your sugary snacks with a tempting selection of nuts and fruits.

5. Before you go to bed at night, say some prayers. Then think about your day. What did you do that made you and others feel happy and loved? Was there anything you could have done to improve your day? How can you do even better tomorrow?

Sleep is very important for your body, so try to get enough. Most kids need about 10 hours a night. Sweet dreams ... zzzzzzzz!

Whatever you want to do in life, it will be easier and more fun if you have your HEALTH! Taking good care of yourself shows respect for your body and helps you work toward what you feel is important. With good nutrition and exercise, your mind is more focused, your body moves the way you want it to, and you have more confidence. Having good health is inspiring—when you feel great, you are better equipped to do great things!

John Taylor



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