October 17, 2007

Peter Gardner visits the Hamilton Baha'i Library, Joe Jones, the librarian, presides.

Hamilton Baha'i Library, Joe Jones, Librarian, October 17, 2007
This library is especially good for scholars of the Faith because, as a result of an amalgamation of several communities, there are several copies of the most important Baha'i books. This is great for group study sessions, everybody can have a copy.
Mrs. Javid's Fireside October 17, 2007

Before Mrs. Javid's Fireside October 17, 2007 This is an impressionistic view, caused by putting the wrong squiggly setting on the camera. The man in the center is a Baha'i from the Canary Islands.

Hans Klapp discusses why there are so many religions. The talk was preceded by a metaphorical fairy tale based on the colours of the spectrum and the pieces of a chess set. As a chess player, I was very pleased to hear progressive revelation discussed in that way. Better still, as a computer specialist, he compared the revelations through history, major and minor prophets, to software, which is changed by minor releases and major upgrades, but they never contradict.
The overhead transparencies, you will note, are still in German.

Mrs. Javid with German speakers at her fireside October 17, 2007 at center is Thoule Klapp, who read the fairy tale.

Joe Jones and Peter Gardner afterwards.
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